About Us

The heart behind Hand To Plough is to reach and uplift communities in remote Australia by fighting against isolation, social, physical and mental disadvantages and inequality.  We believe in breaking down these issues by bridging gaps in holistic healthcare, and education. Together, we create an inclusive Australia where every community can flourish.

Empower. Inspire. Unite.

Together, we build a thriving community.

Sharon-Marie & Greg Taylor

Our Team in the field

Our team have a passion and drive to help individuals and families. As our lead providers, Sharon-Marie & Greg Taylor have more than 30 years of experience in helping people. They have been providing peer support, leadership training, marriage coaching, school presenters, and chaplaincy. They have been community responders in emergency crises (like floods) as well as supporting people through grief and loss.

Growing up in North Queensland and working out of Emerald (in Central Queensland) have given the Taylors a perspective on the tools that will help the remote and rural areas of Australia. They enjoy being a part of helping people heal and restoring hope. 


Our organisation is a public benevolent organisation that continues to encourage reconciliation, the spirit of community, and support for individuals. We aim to help Australians by providing relief from emotional, spiritual, and physical poverty; education in social and community-based areas; and offering opportunities for people to expand their life skills.


To engage, equip, and empower people to change their world.








Support The Community

Transform lives with your donations. From disaster relief to sustainable development, each contribution brings lasting change. Your monthly support uplifts communities and creates a brighter future for all.

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